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chfgvfgsfcrgff : gvf gvcf gvb cfg
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خلق: 27/04/2010 07:16
تحديث: 27/04/2010 07:17
المقالات 1
الصور 1
مرة في الأسبوع 3549
عدد الزيارات 837

chfgvfgsfcrgff :: gvf gvcf gvb cfg

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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif مادة: Useful classfication of guides in Knight - 27/04/2010 07:17

Useful classfication of guides in Knight

Armor Attribution
Note: All armor attributions in Knight do not apply when dealing with monsters, only with other human players. Here we recommend you to buy some the cheapest knight online gold, for our price is very low and delivers quite fast.

Anti-Physical (AP) Also known as as Defense Ratio (DR)
Anti Physical armor makes the wearer harder to be hit by physical weapons. This does not raise the defense points of your armor, but makes you harder to hit. 2 AP points is equal to 1 extra point of DEX (only counts for evading attacks not your own accuracy).

Magic-Resistance (MR)
Magic-Resistance armor makes the wearer less prone to be hit by magic attacks. To really see any difference, you need to have at least 180 MR points with all your armor combined.

HP Recovery (HP)
Recovers your HP more by the % value of the armor. Ex: 21% HP recovery hauberk with 50 VIT would make you gain health points by 21% more at a time. By the way, the most professional Knight powerleveling is offered in our website.